Playing Outdoors II

Shy Smiles from A Princess [S. 1.0]

There once was a meadow
that grew up next to a farm
where there lived a lonely widow 
One night through all the shadows
She became alarmed 
By the flickering of a star
That shone through the night sky 
and in that moment by the warmth in her heart 
As she sat by the window
She knew the ice storm within had ceased
The next day she went out into the field 
There she played and danced 
For she knew her widowed heart 
had been seamed 

Rock stars of Second Life that made this possible:

Featured Designers:
* Gidget's Style Arrianah Mesh Dress by Gidget 
* !!Firelight!! Solar Flare Hair Pastels HUD- Paige (Gacha)RARE by Teresa

Other Designers: 
Maitreya Maitreya Lara Body by Onyx

You can find at the Sunshine and Seashells Gacha Good Event

I am Tinkerbell... ...and these are... ...My adventures!

This post was reviewed in 2017. Thank you for reading.

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