Find Me Under The Palm Trees
Find me under the palm tress
Getting lusher
with every breeze
Come let us play let us sing
For as long as the weather
stays this way
The tans will fade
but the memories will
last forever
![Find Me Under The Palm Trees [S.1.2]](
![Find Me Under The Palm Trees [S.1.3]](
Rock stars of Second Life that made this possible:
This post was reviewed in 2018. Thank you for reading.
Getting lusher
with every breeze
Come let us play let us sing
For as long as the weather
stays this way
The tans will fade
but the memories will
last forever
![Find Me Under The Palm Trees [S.1.2]](
![Find Me Under The Palm Trees [S.1.3]](
Rock stars of Second Life that made this possible:
Featured Designers:
⇦ LEFT Apparel
✠ MOoH! Shanna Bikini by Dalraida Delwood
(Available for Standard Mesh, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Isis, Freya, Venus
Colour HUD [18colours])
RIGHT Apparel ➪
✠ MOoH! Maude Bikini by Dalriada Delwood
(Available for Standard Mesh, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Isis, Freya, Venus. Includes Colour HUD)
✠ EscalateD Tamara Hair by Dolphin Ayres
✠ Puppet Master Poses Let's Build Our Castle by ZachCameron(Available for Standard Mesh, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Isis, Freya, Venus
Colour HUD [18colours])
RIGHT Apparel ➪
✠ MOoH! Maude Bikini by Dalriada Delwood
(Available for Standard Mesh, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Isis, Freya, Venus. Includes Colour HUD)
✠ EscalateD Tamara Hair by Dolphin Ayres
✠ Puppet Master Poses Infinite Cove Backdrop by ZachCameron
✠ Slack Girl Rae Mesh Bento Nails by SlackGirl
(Available for Belleza, Eve, Slink, Altamura, Maitreya, Tonic, Tuty, Vista. Colour HUD[10])
✠ Enii Poses JS Pose Decor Gull by Eniiah
✠ The Little Bat Tia Lip Gloss by Drusilla Dethly
Other Designers:
Left (apparel)
✠ Puppet Master Poses Infinite Cove Backdrop by ZachCameron
✠ Slack Girl Rae Mesh Bento Nails by SlackGirl
(Available for Belleza, Eve, Slink, Altamura, Maitreya, Tonic, Tuty, Vista. Colour HUD[10])
✠ Enii Poses JS Pose Decor Gull by Eniiah
✠ The Little Bat Tia Lip Gloss by Drusilla Dethly
Other Designers:
Left (apparel)
I am Tinkerbell... ...and these are... ...My adventures!
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