Pretty Pearl Twirl
He said "You have got a pretty pearl"
I said "I know you want to twirl it"
Before long
It was a pretty pearl twirl whirl

Rock stars of Second Life that made this possible:
This post was reviewed in 2018. Thank you for reading.
I said "I know you want to twirl it"
Before long
It was a pretty pearl twirl whirl

Rock stars of Second Life that made this possible:
Featured Designers:
❧ MOoH! Corner chair gold [Gacha] by Delriada Delwood for The Gacha Life
(Chair is animated and only 2LI from MOoH! Glam Chic Gacha)
❧ MOoH! Corner chair gold [Gacha] by Delriada Delwood for The Gacha Life
(Chair is animated and only 2LI from MOoH! Glam Chic Gacha)
✠ MadCatCreations Name of Product by Madcatclaudia.restless
( MCC - woman Big Bad
✠ V-Twins Bootleggerz Raven Fat Pack
✠ Angels Design Death and Life Tattoo by Pandemonywn
✠ {Melt} Willow Necklace [Gacha]
✠ {Melt} Willow Crown [Gacha] by Kaydi (winter.lazuli)
(from the {Melt} Willow Gacha)
✠ Tooty Fruity Princess Decor Set by sami.enchanted
.EscalateD. Rosy Hair by Dolphin Ayres
( MCC - woman Big Bad
✠ V-Twins Bootleggerz Raven Fat Pack
✠ Angels Design Death and Life Tattoo by Pandemonywn
✠ {Melt} Willow Necklace [Gacha]
✠ {Melt} Willow Crown [Gacha] by Kaydi (winter.lazuli)
(from the {Melt} Willow Gacha)
✠ Tooty Fruity Princess Decor Set by sami.enchanted
.EscalateD. Rosy Hair by Dolphin Ayres
I am Tinkerbell... ...and these are... ...My adventures!
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